Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Watch your Perspective !!

A few years ago when we were holidaying in the Himalayas, we had hired a cab to take us around various hill shrines. The roads were treacherous and one false move could have resulted in us becoming newspaper headlines the next day. Fortunately, we had a driver who was slow and steady and ever willing to give way to other vehicles. We appreciated his driving skills and attitude.

As we were returning, we came down to the plains and were impatient to get back to our hotel. The weather was hot and the traffic maddening. Suddenly, the same driver and the same driving skills became irritating to us. Based on the change of our perspective, what once seemed ideal started looking painful. Thankfully, we also recognised and remembered our appreciations and did not make an issue in our return.

All of us are all the time forming views on things based on our respective perspectives. Our perspectives get formed based on our expectations as well as our experiences. We all are wearing our own lens through which we see the world. If we truly realise this then the world will begin to look perfect. All imperfections, we then realise, exist within us.

Whenever we feel upset about something, we should look inwards and ask ourselves this question - what if my perspective changed ? We also start putting ourselves in the shoes of others and see things from their perspective. When we start watching our perspective, we realise that our mind plays games with us. With this realisation, our mind comes within our control. When the mind is in control, you can conquer the whole world....

"Between the laughing and the weeping philosopher there is no opposition: the same facts that make one laugh makes one weep" - George Santayana

"Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac" - George Carlin

"Even the worst of sinners has a future, even as the greatest saint has had a past. No one is so good or so bad as he imagines" - Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan


KParthasarathi said...

You have so well explained that I have nothing to add.We look at things through our mental glasses and the vision is warped or clear as our glasss are.The mischief lies in our perspectives

lakshmi said...

"We all are wearing our own lens through which we see the world. If we truly realise this then the world will begin to look perfect. All imperfections, we then realise, exist within us."

Very nicely said Vish

Vijay V said...

Beautiful message which makes me to realise the truth..

I really love this message and do follow this in my life.

Thanks for such a beautiful blog..


Anonymous said...

We are shaped by our thoughts.The mind is everything,what we think we become.When the mind is pure joy follows & never leaves us..


Avin said...

The sublime difference between the phrases i use to refer often "You see what you believe,you believe what you see" has been emphasized in a subtle manner.
Believers see God in stone while an atheistical mind claims otherwise owing largely to the perspective of the human mind. It has been so well narrated. Keep blogging :)

Writers Anonymous said...

Indeed everything depends on our changing perspective. Things do not change but it is just that the way we look at them changes according to the changing situation.
Thanks for sharing a nice post.

Anonymous said...

Very true, the medium (Mind) we are looking through the world is imperfect, not the world by itself. Make it perfect, world will look perfect (as is).