Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Be Happy !!

For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness, said a wise man. I agree completely. Being happy is a personal choice and we need to make this choice all the time. There are many delusions that come and tempt us to make the wrong choice. We need to be wary and on our guard all the time not to fall prey. Instead, irrespective of what happens to us, we should consciously decide to be happy.

Being happy makes us see the world differently; and the world sees us differently too. Imagine there are two people - one fully of joy and the other sad always. Whom would you like to spend time and be associated with ? Naturally, we all gravitate towards the happy person - perhaps in the expectation of some of the joy rubbing off on us.

When we are happy, we have more friends and are more in demand. People seek us out and try to find out what keeps us so happy. When we are happy, our health dramatically improves. Our internal organs work more efficiently and are more charged up. Our happiness is infectious and affects others around us.

Realise that happiness is a state of the mind and is purely internal to you. It has no dependence on external events. Being happy does not mean everything is perfect. It only means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections. As you learn to reduce your expectations and begin to accept things, you will see a dramatic improvement in your happiness quotient.

By being happy, we are also pleasing the Lord Almighty. We are subtly telling Him that we accept His decisions completely and we are surrendering ourselves to Him. And that we have full faith in Him and that we know He has only good things in store for us.

"If can't be happy where you are, you can never be happy where you aren't" - Charlie Jones

"There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way" - Wayne Dyer

"People are as happy as they make up their minds to be" - Abraham Lincoln

1 comment:

Sonal Raisinghani said...

Loved these lines..

Being happy is a personal choice and we need to make this choice all the time

Our happiness is infectious and affects others around us

By being happy, we are also pleasing the Lord Almighty. We are subtly telling Him that we accept His decisions completely and we are surrendering ourselves to Him. And that we have full faith in Him and that we know He has only good things in store for us.