Wherever we look in our universe, we are bound to see nature at its best. Everywhere we see orderliness and patterns that are followed in a sacrosanct manner. The birds go to roost at fixed times, nocturnal birds snooze in the day, every fruit has a particular flavour and pattern, the oceans remain within their boundaries etc. It is as if God has laid down rules and each creature is following it religiously.
It is only us human beings who have broken all rules and been creating our own rules. We sleep during day and work at nights. We systematically destroy nature to fulfil our selfish ambitions. We become violent without sufficient reason. We use deceit for personal gain. The list is endless. Our acts are not without its consequences. Whenever we transgress the rules, we end up making the world an unsafe place to live in. We end up creating a direct impact on our environment. In the mad pursuit of happiness, we end up becoming and making others unhappy.
We can see crisis after crisis hitting the world at regular intervals. Whether it is a crisis which impacts health like the AIDS crisis or one that impacts economies like the sub-prime crisis, we can directly link each crisis to the drop in moral standards. Even natural disasters like droughts, floods or earthquakes can be managed better if we have high moral values in our lives.

Clearly there is a need to reflect on this and identify the rules that we, as humans, need to follow. "Values" are the rules that will help us restore nature to its glory and help us to enjoy this precious life. Values are the guiding lights that lead us in this world made dark by all kinds of sins. By leading a life of values, we enrich our own lives and also the lives of people around us. We also facilitate creating a culture of valued based living.
The purpose of this blogspot is to list out all the values that are important and to serve as a reminder for us to follow it. In the preceding articles, we have spoken about many values like love, kindness, generosity, charity, selflessness, truth, honesty etc. All of these must become part and parcel of our daily lives. When we thus live a life of values, we will slowly but surely bring about a change. Value based living will erase the ills of the society and will help create a world where peace and joy abounds.
On the question of values, don’t ever compromise...
“Raising the standard of living must also mean raising ethical, moral and spiritual standards." - Sri Satya Sai Baba
“You are in charge of your feelings, beliefs, and actions. And you teach others how to behave toward you. While you cannot change other people, you can influence them through your own behaviors and actions. By being a living role model of what you want to receive from others, you create more of what you want in your life” - Eric Allenbaugh
“Live today as if it were your last.” - Robin Sharma
“You are not here to merely make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” - Woodrow Wilson

Congrats on your 100th post! :)
Congratulations on your 100th blog.A very nicely written blog..
Indeed values are the rules that will help us restore nature to its glory and help us to enjoy this precious life.Even if we follow atleast half of the values that you have written about we can definately make this world a better place to live in..
Let me at the outset congratulate you on your reaching a milestone with dedication and tenacity.It had become a hardy ritual for me to open the blog daily to savour your post.This blog had been enriching in nature and elevating in spirit.We are all beholden to you for drawing our attention to the eternal values to lead a life of Dharma.
Nature violated can be harsh in retribution as you had enumerated.It wreaks its revenge ruthlessly and inexorably.
We look forward to your continuing this laudable work to reach further milestones.Thank you.May God bless you with happiness and health
Congrats Vish........you have hit the century mark
It is we human beings who being given the extra intelligence create rules...invariably to break them....
I wish your blog reaches more people....it would at least make them start thinking a little about the values of life
Very true Vish, Values can improve our standard of living. Thanks for sharing 100 such values.
Congrats, once again on your 100th post.
Congrats for hitting a century in a very quick time :-) I'm simply amazed how you churn out valuable posts, without losing the quality, everyday!
And, your 100th post is of no exception. I agree with you...leading a life of values is a challenge, and the best way to bring change in the society :-) Even Nature will obey us, if we lead such a life.
Keep up your commendable work!
Let's be the change, we wish to see in the world :-)
Firstly, hearty congratulations on hitting the first of the many centuries.
Good Values are the very basic foundation of a vibrant society and times are such that all of us need a quick refresher in the midst of our very busy professional lives.
Keep up the good work ... Looking forward to reading your next post on ethics
Dear Vish,
hearty congratulations on reaching century.it's a great achievement of the blogger who really took pains to reach the values to the masses.
visiting your BLOG leaves me enriched with more values.let's not discriminate people for reasons of religion,caste n creed.we have to learn to rise above narrow loyalties so that we can broaden our outlook.
vish,i feel so happy to come across you n your valuable posts.
you know what,i have learned to exercise patience n tolerance in day -to-day happenings,i have started understanding my friends in a better way!:)
dear friend,life is still beautiful!
''Hold on to what is good,even if it is a handful of earth.Hold on to what you believe,even if it is a tree which stands by itself.''
wishing more feathers to your cap n presenting a bouquet of roses,
loving prayers,
Congratulations on this 100 th Blog Sir....
Its not an easy task to do a work like this. (with such a commitment & passion) Your blog shows the way you care for others and the time you put in, in enriching the peoples lives.
I don't have words to appreciate your work. B'cos, many a times i feel like, you guide me like a master through your words. Your blogs gave some meaning and values to my thoughts.
Let me try to leave a mark in this world by following all the values you taught.
Take care. You are precious.
Note: "we can directly link each crisis to the drop in moral standards" This word has created a lasting impact in me in todays blog.
Quite true! Us human beings are the uncompatible link in the system, the ones who have distorted all standards and upset natural processes! Now, whether we come out of this quagmire or not, I do not know! What I do know is the enormous chaos that we have caused to the environment, the society and all fellow living beings who have until us lived in peace and harmony!
Many congratulations, Sir, on your 100th post! Wishing you many more posts to come!
Congratulations and your 100th post is something to be celebrated :)
Your tireless contributions to your blog is a wonderful achievement for both the author and the readers. It has been so infectiously radiating and positivism from the very first post i read.An inert blogger now i am, always had a veneration in your indefatigable enthusiasm in bringing up with positive words and post back to back.
Way to go. 100 and still going strong :) I am really glad that i stumbled upon your blog :)
COngratulations on reaching 100..:) good effort and appriciable..
Its not that having values that makes the diference, but it is that understanding other's emotions and their lifestyles does..
Thanks for the post :)
Congratulations Sir! I know you play better then Sachin. Keep it up. Break Lara's record.
Yup I agree “Live today as if it were your last.”Lets make the most out of each day...Lets not simply exist,lets make our life worthy.
Awesome,keep posting.I am eagerly waiting for your next post.
take care.
Congrats for your 100th blog entry Viswanath Garu.
- Prashant Jalasutram
Wow, you've reached your 100th post. That's good. I've missed a lot here. Keep it up! :)
Congrats for the ton... happy blogging
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