Friday, November 28, 2008

Think Solution !!

We are often confronted with innumerable problems in our daily lives. It is usually unwelcome in our lives and we would prefer if the problems never arose. Each of us has a unique way to deal with life's problems or challenges as one might like to call them. Have we observed our own peculiar traits with respect to how we deal with our problems ?

Before I even talk about the preferred way of dealing with the little challenges, let me first state that these are really events that remove the boredom from our lives and bring in excitement. If we were to look at the challenges in this new light, we might even welcome them and look forward to the next one !

Instead to complaining about the problems and wishing that someone else deals with it or procrastinating about it, I feel the right way would be to think of solutions to resolve the problems. It should be viewed as puzzles that life throws up and our responsibility is to rack our brains and come up with the right answers.

Likewise, in an organisational context, one should always use the approach of identifying problems and coming up with the solutions. It is a good trait to be able to spot the problem but no one appreciates someone who is always criticising or complaining but is unable to provide the direction for resolving the open issues.

People who complain fall into the group of negative behaviours while solution oriented people are seen as positive and find recognition and rewards waiting for them all the time.

So, Which side are you aligned on ?

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