Thursday, August 6, 2009

A question of confidence

Very often motivational speakers and writers exhort people to live life with high self-confidence (HSC). They tell people that if you have HSC, you can achieve anything. Your credibility and charisma get enhanced when you have that attitude of HSC. Your communication becomes stronger and people tend to trust those who have HSC. Perhaps, I too have covered this in an earlier blog.

As children, we have often received contrary communication and advice. Our parents, elders and teachers have told us not to get over confident (OC). They tell us, especially before tests and exams, that we need to prepare well and keep revising our studies without becoming OC. If we are OC, we tend to become negligent and casual and it may reflect poorly on our results. As adults, we are told this more subtly in order not to offend us.

Both views are correct. When there is a question of what level of confidence is right, there is no right answer. If our standards are too high, we might become too critical and start having self doubts. Our nervousness is a sure indicator of disaster lying ahead. Likewise, if our standards are low, we might start taking things for granted. This creates an impression of arrogance or nonchalance leading to a different set of negative results. One has to be balanced and moderate while evaluating oneself.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life the laws of the universe will be simpler" - Thoreau

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced" - Vincent Van Gogh

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" – Eleanor Roosevelt

"I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time.” – Anna Freud


Anonymous said...

The best way to gain confidence is to do what you are afraid to do.It is very important that we believe in ourselves...
"One who has the confidence in himself will gain the confidence of others."


KParthasarathi said...

I think self confidence means belief in our inherent abilty after being prepared fully.Over confidence means over estimation f our ability beyond what we are really capable of and not supported by adequate preparation. There is no conflict between these two when one is aked to be self confident and also not be over confident

ramesh sadasivam said...

Sticking to the truth is the best way.

When we know our strengths and accept our weaknesses, our confidence is reliable.

AutoDT said...

A great insight...than you so much for sharing...

Namaste to you!:)


Subash said...

striking a fine balance between two extremes is the key...Spirituality surely helps :)

Anonymous said...

Just expressing my opinion as others, with due respect to all;
Everything is relative, just by saying "balance", one has created other part called "imbalance". Similarly, by saying "Right", "Wrong" has been created.
We always hear, one should do "Right" thing at a "Right" time with "Right" knowledge and have "Balance" in effort / Confidence etc. etc. If a child ask, "What is Right or Balance?" One may spend his/her all available time, all efforts, all words, still, the question remain unanswered. One who knows it, he doesn't need to know and who don't know, will learn by himself in time (no one can teach). Yes,spirtuality certaily helps.