Monday, May 4, 2009

Nature Cures !!

The human body is a wonderful creation of the Creator. It has all the ingredients to be self propelling, self driven and self reliant. It only needs nourishment to provide for energy. Everything else is produced by the body itself. It has the capacity to absorb from the air and sunshine around and its internal organs can produce all kinds of chemicals, acids and vitamins needed by the body.

All it needs is nourishing food (as contrasted to tasty food which tickles the tongue), active lifestyle (as contrasted with a sedentary one) and adequate rest and sleep. When it falls ill or has injuries, it needs to be supported by some modifications in lifestyle and eating habits and some rest. The ills and the injuries usually get self corrected.

Modern science has progressed considerably and it knows all these facts about the human body. However, the custodians of science (namely the doctors and the pharma companies) would want us to believe that without medication for every complaint, we could have serious problems. Of course, there are some illness which are best cured and prevented by taking medication. However, most of the common ailments do not need medication. By taking medication, we only end up dulling the body's inherent capacity but also making it dependent on external support.

I strongly believe in allowing the body to self medicate by providing minimal external support. Regulating ones diet and providing adequate rest is also important. One should follow practices like Yoga which stimulates internal organs as well as stretches the body and makes it supple, flexible and healthy. Meditation (a good alternative to medication) is another practice which calms the mind and prevents / cures most of our ailments which are anyway a creation of the mind.

A healthy life and a calm and cheerful mind is in your hands !!


KParthasarathi said...

I have one question.Some 50 years back when medicine had not advanced this much, when adulteration was less and when people relied on home made remedies based on herbs and when people had to walk and the the sedentary habits of TV/computer were absent, the average age of Indian was 27 as against the significantly higher figure today.What would be the answer?

Vishwanath Seshadri said...

Thanks for your question, Sir. It gives me a chance to clarify.

Longevity is dependent on various factors of which the primary factor is the cure for serious ailments and diseases. I must acknowledge that modern science has made significant progress in identifying, isolating and curing humans of serious ailments like TB, Cholera, Malaria etc.

Malnutrition coupled with poverty was another huge cause of early fatalities in those days. Thanks to some good practices introduced in the last few decades, this problem has reduced to a large extent but yet not fully eradicated.

The other big killer in the good old days was wars / local fights. We see that the scale and extent is much lower in current times.

The other progress that we have made is in communication and any outbreak of a disease is quickly known throughout the world today (eg. Swine flu) unlike in the past. This enables people to take adequate precautions to prevent further damage.

My blog was intended primarily at common problems which can be managed without medical support. It is intended to improve the quality of life without increasing external dependencies.


KParthasarathi said...

I am aware of the scope of your post.Still wanted to trigger a discussion.The points taken by you are all unexceptionable.The purpose of the query was not to pick holes but expand the area of readers inteerst is a nice post

Manivannan Sadasivam said...

Wonderful post! Great thoughts shared...yes I too believe that certain things are healed by nature itself. Our mahatma was a great believer of Nature Healing...thanks for reminding us


Happy Blogging!!

Vishwanath Seshadri said...

Thanks Mani for dropping by and for your words of encouragement.



Vishwanath Seshadri said...

Thanks Mani for dropping by and for your words of encouragement.

